About Us

The Portable Fuel Container Manufacturers Association (PFCMA) is a nonprofit trade association representing the makers of portable consumer fuel containers and spouts. These are mainly the red, plastic gas containers used by consumers to safely transport gasoline.

Since the end of WWII, Americans have relied on portable consumer fuel containers to safely transport gasoline from the pumps to the engines it fuels. For equipment in their own yards for everyday use or to ensure the uninterrupted supply of fuel for disaster response and recovery.

While the technology has changed over the years, particularly with introduction of plastic containers in the mid 80’s, the critical role these products play has not. Every year, portable consumer fuel containers are used safely billions of times. But, as gasoline is a highly flammable liquid with a very low flash point, accidents do occur when it is misused for purposes other than fueling an engine or for fueling an engine without appropriate caution.

The PFCMA works with governmental and private entities on matters concerning safety, quality and environmental standards, as well as education about portable fuel containers and safe use of gasoline. “Never pour gas on a fire” has always been our message – that is misusing our containers in a manner that can result in property damage and injury. We endeavor to present complete and accurate information in messaging for a broad consumer audience.

It is our mission to manufacture state-of-the-art products that meet all applicable guidelines and can be safely used time and again – and to ensure these products not only meet environmental protection and child resistance standards, but can be relied on in times of need.


Portable consumer fuel containers manufactured by PFCMA members are all made to meet industry guidelines and requirements.